National University of La Matanza (Argentina)

National University of La Matanza. It is the second largest and most prestigious university in the province of Buenos Aires, it has a Medicine degree and its fundamental objective is to serve the needs of the community.


The birth of the University is a direct consequence of the conjunction of local realities and interests, given that the area of ​​its location places it in one of the most important spaces in the country, from the demographic, political and economic point of view; that had never before had an institution of higher university education.

The beginning

Around 1970, in La Matanza, there were about 106 thousand young people between 18 and 24 years old, of which, about 8,500, not finding an answer to their aspirations to pursue university studies in their own Party, gave up pursuing higher education or found themselves forced to take them far from home.

In 1980, the young people belonging to that age group amounted to about 152,000 and the applicants to access a university reached 16,600. Five years later, 15,000 were the residents who were pursuing higher education in other centers, while 2,685 students residing in La Matanza were enrolled in the Common Basic Cycle (CBC) of the University of Buenos Aires.

The return of democracy, in 1983, constituted the turning point from which the situations and events began to take place that, in the end, would allow the idea of ​​installing a university in La Matanza to materialize.


In the session of the Chamber of Senators on September 29, 1989, Law 23,748 was passed, promulgated on October 23 of that same year, through which the National University of La Matanza was created. The first academic year was inaugurated on April 15, 1991 in Schools No. 27 and No. 51 of the District. That year, the doors of the University opened the way to more than 1,200 people registered for the three degree courses that were offered at that time. late 1991permanent possession of the property it currently occupies was taken. After recreating the optimal conditions for young people to have access to scientific and technical training in their own district and in the same physical space.

University data


  • An educational-cultural project basically inspired by the local, provincial and national reality, and committed to it.
  • A proposal for the development of the medium.
  • An open initiative incorporated into the community, an active protagonist of its progress.


By virtue of these premises, the UNLaM project, in its central aspects, set itself the following objectives:

  • Contribute to the retention and settlement of the young population located in La Matanza and its area of ​​influence.
  • Serve the needs of the community, that is, its inhabitants in general, its companies, institutions, professionals and other social actors.
  • Act as a factor of change and development.


Being a response to the specific demands of the local community; a model of excellence within the national university system; and a point of reference for higher education centers in the international arena.


Encourage in students an education that includes the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, the vocation of leaders committed to the progress of the community, professional honesty, respect for the dignity of the human person and their right to truth, freedom and justice. legal certainty, and appreciation for the cultural, historical and social values ​​of the community and the country.

Other data

With various disciplines, grouped into Departments, UNLaM offers more than 40 undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s degrees in which more than 41 thousand students attend.


  • Engineering and Technological Research
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Health Sciences


The Library is equipped with a talking reading room for 384 users, a silent reading room, a sound library and booths for people with disabilities.

National University of La Matanza